Welcome to 2001

Welcome to my senior project 2001. I was in a band called The New Rock Project and my project was to record a song with the band and make a music video. This old VHS was in a box in my basement collecting dust and today, I decided to digitize this and take a look. So here we are 23 years later and I finally unearth the masterpiece.

This was my first go with a music video that would eventually lead to creating a music video company from roughly 2004-2010. At the time of making this video, I was interning at the public access tv station and used to go in all the time to edit our short films on their system. Now, use your imagination here - we’re shooting everything on VHS and then capturing it. But hard drives back then were just a couple of gigs if you were lucky. And they were all on a patch bay meaning you had all these cords to connect devices to speak to the computer. That first shot with the split screen took a ton of trial and error and a full day to render.

I love looking back on my career path from time to time. It's a nice reminder for me to be grateful and inspired.

Even if a little embarrassing πŸ˜…

Danny Yourd

Director / Creative Producer / Storyteller


Blood brother Title Sequence


Secret & Whisper